Stress can have such a negative impact on the skin. The major stress hormone cortisol, increases and breaks down collagen fibres which causes inflammation. The result is skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, adult acne and rosacea.
These conditions are initially triggered by stress, however the skin flare ups fast become stressors themselves and now the vicious cycle begins. We turn to stimulants such as tea, coffee, alcohol, nicotine and pain killers to try and 'calm down', but these only keep the heart pounding and the skin sensitive!
So what's the answer?
No solution is ever simple and when you have become an unwitting 'stress junkie' trying to live a normal life, it may seem impossible!
My advice is don't cut all your vices out in the one go.. this will never work, simply substitute.
Start a diary and work out how many coffees, teas, cakes, cigarettes etc you are consuming on a daily basis, then decide where you can fit in your substitute. For example if you start the day with a coffee, try opting for green tea- still contains a little caffeine for that hit, but it contains cell protecting anti oxidants also.
Each week, set yourself a goal and stick to it!
Your skin (and your body) will love you for introducing extra Vitamin A to your diet, in the form of dark green veg, carrots, red/yellow peppers and orange pumpkin or squash and drinking up to 2 litres of water daily. Eat and snack on beautiful fresh fruit and vegetables. Be creative and make your own juices and smoothies, the more adventurous you are the less likely you'll want to fill your body with rubbish. Eat a fresh beetroot everyday.. these are wonderful vegetables rich in vitamins, minerals and anti oxidants-so sure to help calm down that skin!
Each month set aside time for a relaxing, calming massage. It has been clinically proven that massage releases oxytocin-this is the lovely hormone released when mothers are bonding with their babies. Massage not only helps to relax you, but also improves your circulation, by encouraging fresh blood to come to the surface of the skin. The result is healthier, nourished glowing skin!
Finally, find a natural holistic skincare brand that uses wonderful calming ingredients and keep your routine simple and enjoyable.