I'll be adding more recipes to this page.
I don't use stock cubes in any of my recipes for two reasons-
1/ I don't like the overwhelming and sometimes artificial flavour they give.
Using a good blend of natural herbs and spices mean you can experiment and create your own unique flavour.
2/ Most stock cubes contain and PALM OIL, alarmingly, even the expensive and so called natural varieties. Of course some say from sustainable sources, but I don't know this for certain and as I love Orangutans and the rainforests, I don't use anything containing this and let me tell you, just look at the labels on everything from your bread and biscuits, right through to laundry liquids and everything in between.
Hope you give my recipes a try and don't forget to give me feedback.
Jean x

Spicy lentil and coconut soup
I know most people have their own favourite lentil soup recipe, especially in winter time. However, I love lentils in all forms and soup is always a favourite with me, especially with a bit of creamy spice!
As usual I don't add stock cubes, I rely on herbs, spices and good balanced mineral salt.
I've also added a heaped tablespoon of nutritional yeast for extra flavour and a boost of vitamin B12.
Hope you'll give it a try.
1 cup of soaked red lentils
1 tin of tomatoes
Half tin of coconut cream
tablespoon of nutritional yeast (optional)
2 medium sized potatoes finely diced
1 medium sized carrot finely diced
3 cloves of garlic
piece of fresh shredded ginger
1-2 bay leaves
good pinch of cayenne pepper
pinch of smoked paprika
! small leek finely chopped
tablespoon of coriander finely chopped
grey celtic or pink Himalayan salt to taste
2 stocks of finely chopped celery
tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil
heaped teaspoon of coconut flour (optional)
half teaspoon of cumin seeds
lightly fry all the veg and spices for a few moments
add the soaked lentils and around a litre of water.
Bring to boil and reduce heat.
Simmer for around 30 mins, now add the nutritional yeast and coconut cream.
Add salt as required.
Continue to simmer for another 15 mins.
Use a potato masher, if you like a little smoother or a blender if you want completely smooth. I use a potato masher, which leaves a bit of texture.
This is the perfect soup to have as a highly nutritious and filling snack.

Pea & Mint
A fresh creamy, satisfying soup that can be eaten hot or cold.
Packed with vitamin A to nourish and protect the body.
2 cups of frozen peas
1 small carrot
2-3 cloves of garlic
2 medium size potatoes
2 sticks of celery
large handful of chopped fresh mint or teaspoon of dried mint
half teaspoon of grey Celtic or Himalayan salt (mineral balance)
small onion
Chop and lightly fry ingredients in a tablespoon of olive oil. At this stage only 1 cup of peas.
Add around 1-1.5 litres of water and the salt and bring to boil. Allow to simmer for 25 mins. Allow to cool a little, then add the remaining peas before blitzing in nutribullet or liquidiser.
Season as required
Serves 4

Creamy Tomato
This is my absolute favourite soup.. EVER!
Its packed with so much of flavour and everyone who's so far made it has said the same.
You can use coconut cream, or simply add a couple of tablespoons of nut milk, to replace the dairy cream